Rich Snippets Advanced

35,00 €Disponible
SKU: P041


Would you like stars in your Google ranking?

Would you like to increase organic traffic? With the Rich Snippets Advanced Module you will differentiate yourself from the competition and help search engines better understand and value your content.

Do you want to stand out from the crowd in organic search and rank higher in search results? This Rich Snippets Advanced module is the solution for any online Magento® store. You will differentiate yourself from the competition and help search engines better understand and value the content of your products.

Since search engines are computers and therefor simply dumb, we really need to help Google's search bots. We can help them figuring out what content is on our site, what it means and what content is more valuable for users and search indexing. With this Rich Snippets markup it will inform search bots about the following content on your website

  • Product name
  • Brand name
  • Price
  • Rating by customers
  • Seller
  • Stock availability

Rich Snippets in Google, everyone has seen them, but what are they exactly? They are addings to standard results (a title, URL and description) that offer enriched searchresultpages. A standard search result looks like this.

In this article we present to you our Rich Snippets Module for Magento and how this module can increase your sales with 30%.

We started developing this module for one of our customers that sells car-parts online. By adding rich snippets to each catalogue product page, specific information will be easily read by Google. This information includes the following;

  • Product name
  • Brand name
  • Seller name
  • Price
  • Customer reviews

The Rich Snippets module is especially useful for online Magento stores that want to stand out from the crowd. Because the output results in more detailed information in search results. This lets you segment customers in advance and draw only relevant traffic to your site. According to Google, links with Rich Snippets have higher positions in search results. In short, it is more probable that users will click your on your site. In fact the click-through rate for such links is 20-30% higher.

Let´s show an example. Which link would you click? The first one or the last one? The first link gives very little information. While the last one includes stars and much more detailed information about the product.

Moreover as Magento is a webshop platform, you want to provide search engines and social networks with the best and most detailed product information. When this data is structured correctly and visibly, search engines like Google will display a summary of your web page in the SERP (Search engine results page). Fields like Name, Price, Availability and Review stars will become visible within a couple of weeks.

This rich SERP makes your site more distinctive and stands out against your competitors' sites. This will thus result in a higher click-through-rate as more people are eager to enter your site. Rich Snippets are also a great method of giving customers the idea that your brand is superior to others. Customers are more likely to enter your site when they see that Google, a recognized search engine, has placed more significance on it and listed it near the top of the search results.

The Rich Snippets Module is now available in our Online Magento Store for all Magento users that want STARS!! And remember: if you don´t do it, the competition will!

  • Tipo Digital
  • Estado Nuevo
  • Fabricante Young-dogs